How it Works!
The new iconic Kiwi logo, taking many months in development by Pete, ably assisted by Wallace, is designed to work as follows:...
For the Kiwi Consumer
To clearly identify Kiwi produced products and services with over 50% local content as NZ made. No more looking in the fine print!!
For the Kiwi Producer
Whether its a product or a service , it is now again possible to clearly identify NZ businesses as being domestically based. Most New Zealanders now, where justified, prefer to buy local rather than imported alternatives As long as the product or service has more than 50% local content (by total cost input) the producer has the license, at a small annual fee, to label the product and / or its packaging with the logo.
Reignite NZ also offers customized slogans to add to its branding image, an all important element in todays competitive world.
Net Result
Micro .. More local products sold in NZ, leading to...
Higher Employment
More Sustainable Businesses
Less Financial Pressure on SME's
Increased Community Wellbeing
Higher Tax Receipts for the Government
Improved R&D , Productivity and Business Investment.
For Further Enquiries, Email Reignite NZ
About- Reignite NZ

Marketing Plan Reignite NZ’s marketing plan will continue to evolve as experience and changing circumstances dictate. However, initially, the marketing plan is as follows, We envisage multiple components to promote, Reignite NZ. We are Promoting the Reignite Logo and with local emphasis via - At least two well known and respected ambassadors - Using social media to increase awareness of the initiative - Promoting the Reignite logo to clearly identify that which products are produced locally. - Reinforcing the fact that in buying local, an increase in employment will result, more jobs will become sustainable, company profits will improve, tax revenues will be lifted and our trade balance will improve. This will be achieved by utilizing every marketing tool available. - Producing various forms of promotional material to reinforce the concept of buying NZ made, including bumper stickers , brochures, a gold stand website, clothing suitable emblazoned with the logo, and slogans and conventional media advertising - A marketing budget of $30K has been earmarked to cover the first six months of the campaign, with the expectation that discounts will likely be available given the fact that Reignite NZ is potentially so beneficial to the NZ economy and the overall wellbeing of so many NZ’ers and companies. - Should income exceed budget, the marketing spend will increase as a first priority
Strategic plan
The strategic plan relies on our logo and slogans, the latter customised to the type of business involved and will be widely promoted throughout the nation. All income in the short to medium term will be reinvested in the campaign, thereby meaning that no surplus profit will be forthcoming. This aspect will be reviewed at some point in the future.
A sister company will be available to assist individuals and companies without the relevant expertise to modify or create websites, rebrand and assist in any way required at competitive rates. Naturally all clients will be free to make other arrangements should they wish.
The management team of 3-4 personnel will all be full time and hands on. Any overloads or specialised services not able to be satisfied in house, will be contracted out.
Kiwis Supporting Kiwis

The ReIgnite NZ’s strategy will at all times remain positive and supportive to all those aligned with us and the availability of the logo will at all times be provided at no charge, however voluntary donations will be gladly accepted. Margins on promotional material will be modest and reinvested in the programme.

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